China Taliban Relations and Impact in India

 On the day of Terror attack in America, 26/11, China signed a economic and and Technical accord with the Taliban ruling the Afghanistan. After the Attacks, US partnered with democratic alliance of Afghanistan and started the war on  terror. Now again 

China, rouged nation, is trying to strengthen its ties with Taliban. US elections are coming and Donald Trump had promised earlier to pull back its troops from Afghanistan. Now after the peace deal with Taliban US will try to vacant its troops from Afghanistan, with this there are two countries which would be very happy, Pakistan and China. Pakistan has long record of terrorism and their mental obsession of Kashmir will be leading them to send Taliban Terrorist in Kashmir for insurgency. On the other hand China which persecuting Uyghurs' Muslims will definitely try to woo the Taliban. Their dream project BRI is passing near by Afghanistan. They have invested huge in that project. To save their strategic and economic interests, China will try to establish the relations with Taliban. 

India needs to be concerned here, China whose ultimate goal is become the regional power can be harvested by harming India. Already India has been continuously fighting with insurgency and Terrorist, China has been eying on to further hurt India by investing with Taliban. India needs to focus more on development projects that are being going on in Afghanistan. India should can also initiate Pacifying relations with Taliban and try to convince them to establish Democratic Government. India should also advise Afghanistan's that China is notorious country and is famous for its debt trap policies. China is eying on the natural resources in Afghanistan like they harvested in Baluchistan, a Pakistan occupied territory.

World must counter China and  boycott its imperialistic policies.

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