New Bacterial disease emerging in China

 A rogue nation China which has killed many people across the globe with Wuhan Virus is a serious danger to the world. Recently it has been confirmed that a new bacterial disease has emerged in China and has infected thousands of people. Already, Chinese Virologist has said that Wuhan Virus has originated from Chinese Lab. It seems that China is becoming a global threat day by day and world must think about this seriously. A new bacterial disease which has symptoms of headache, fever, etc can also leave men infertile. China intentions are unconscionable, China is a inveterate liar. It has been reported that disease has leaked from vaccine manufacturing plant. It happened around more than 8 months back. 

In the times of Globalization, World needs to think about that whether country like China which is following imperialism can be trusted or not. When other countries are pacifying there relations like - UAE, Bahrain and Israel, and on the other side China is threating the countries, creating tensions at the border, flying aircraft near Taiwan, etc.  CCP puppet media is consummate liar, rather than reporting the matter fairly they try to suppress that from the world.

Global community must think about this and prepare for upcoming Chinese threats to the world. Countries like Japan, US, India and Australia must militarise the QUAD. G-7 should be expand to D-10, democracies needs to come forward and boycott China.

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