Farm Bills and Protest

 Indian Farmers are protesting on farm bills, recently passed by parliament. It seems right on their side. Although government intention is not wrong, they are basically trying to increase the income of farmer. These farm bills empower Farmers to sell there crops anywhere in the market and to anyone at their contract. Everything seems right but where is the problem then?

The problems lies around MSP, it is the minimum support price that government decide for the crops before sowing starts. It ensure the minimum price which farmers will get after harvesting the crops. It is the tool to protect farmer from crop failure due to several reasons. In India, farmers are not that rich even after more than 50% population is depend on agriculture either directly or indirectly. There lies many reason behind this like, lack of technologies, modern techniques, new equipment, damage of crops etc. MSP is a tool which empower farmers to sell crops at some minimum amount set by the government. However, even after years of MSP it has not been made legal law by any previous governments. Now these new bills has threatened the MSP regime. Bills looks very good at first look. But If once it happened then time will come when private players starts paying as per their needs. For the first 5-6 years this scheme will benefits many farmers but after that companies will start to look for their maximum profits and exploitation of farmers will begin. Although   PM has assured that MSP regime will continue to function but as I mentioned that there is no legal provisions regarding MSP.  Need of the hour is to make MSP a legal right of farmers so that they can function independently and sell their crops.

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