Five Point Consensus between China and India

 Ongoing conflict between China and India saw new development ahead of SCO meet in Russia. Indian foreign minister Mr. S. Jaishankar and his Chinese counterpart Mr Wang Yi met in Moscow and came to five points agreement to de-escalate the ongoing border stand-off between Indian Army and PLA. According to the various sources meeting has last around 2-3 hours. Both the sides have agreed to abide by the agreement they have.

Should India negotiate with China now?

Here I'm writing my own pov, although i know that officials and government has already measured these developments.

Looking back to incident of Black Top Hill which India captured, China is very upset since then. Chinese know that they have lost the strategic height and now they are fully in the range of Indian Army and if situation escalates then PLA would not be able to counter. Also the winter is approaching and PLA does not have better equipment to operates there compare to Indian Army, this gives edge to the Indian Army over PLA. However, Chinese government mouth-piece Global Times is still in dreams and continuously writing that Indian Army will not be able to operate there in winters. I think he needs to consider the fact that Indian Army is the only Army in the world which operates at most difficult terrain in the World, Siachen Glacier. Indian Army has been continuously operating in these situations since very long time, it was just political leadership who wanted to made balance between trade, finance and others, which stops Indian Army to take back Aksai-Chin. In-fact, as per veterans of Indian Army, we have soldiers who play volleyball in vests at -10 to -25 degree Celsius at those heights. China should not forget that they didn't even recognized there soldiers who died recently. China should learn form 1967 war, how they were beaten by Indian Army, which they don't even dare to taught in there schools. 

India is on driving seat now and India should ask China to leave the area which they have illegally occupied. I know it would be hard for the time being but the time has came to start discussions. And India should not negotiate at the expense of occupied area by Chinese. China is a threat for world and Xi Jinping is living in the world of Imperialism. But history has taught us what happened to the leader like Jinping. If it will going like this, then day is not far when Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mongolian territory would be lost.  

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