China got despair from Thailand. Why it is a good news for India?

 Geopolitical scenario is changing rapidly after Covid 19 Outbreak, where worlds sentiment is hurt by china but china is not deterred by its antics. China is trying to dominate the South China Sea, claiming the whole south china sea and not respecting the international maritime laws and other countries sovereignty. In the recent developments Thailand gave jerk to the China by canceling Kra Canal Project for the time being. China has been trying to woo the Thailand authorities from the many years for this project. China putted proposal, offering a big amount of loan to Thailand for the funding of this project and also offered Chinese companies to built the canal. China wanted canal so badly because the present route is dominated by the Indian Navy, US Navy and UK Navy, which china wants to dominate. Although the worlds has earlier seen the successful canal projects like Panama Canal, Suez Canal etc. But the difference in those and Kra Canal Project is much bigger in terms of reducing the distance and time. On the other hand Kra Canal Project is solely to serve the Chinese interests in waters and would be turned out big failure, if made. Thailand authorities are aware of the Chinese investments which are made across many countries. Most of the Chinese funded projects turned big failure, but china is benefited from them because of its debt trap policies. Thailand southern part also stays in news because of separatist groups, therefore Thailand would never want to lose its territory and also the recent protest against the government is still going on in Thailand. Considering all the factors Thailand authorities would never want to lose Thailand sovereignty and territory.

While it is all going, India is also going to benefited form this move by Thailand. Considering the security factor in the Indian Ocean, Indian Navy is still behind form Chinese Navy in terms of assets, whereas china has a long history of misadventures with other countries, building the canal could have provided the easy access to Chinese navy in Indian Ocean. This was a big issue for the security and peace of the Indian Ocean but for the time being Indian authorities will gets time to equipped themselves with more powerful assets so that any misadventure of china in future can be tackled. Taking the importance of large coastline, India needs to focused on Indigenous submarines manufacturing. However, works has started on these things but India needs to invest more in defense sector and also needs to push indigenous private sector in defense corporations.

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